ICT Outsourcing

IT Outsourcing

Effortless ICT, so you can focus on expanding your business

One partner for all of your ICT

Belgian companies increasingly outsource their ICT. Organisations want ICT systems to be available at all times, with as little complexity and low cost as possible. And preferably without having to recruit in-demand ICT specialists, who are only needed occasionally, but are missed if they leave or retire. This is why more and more Belgian companies are outsourcing their ICT management. They want a trusted partner for this – a provider who thinks together with them to find the best possible solution, and sometimes even sets up a co-creation project.


More Innovation

Choosing whether to outsource or not is an important decision which you as an organisation have to make. And if you bite the bullet and opt to outsource your ICT, you’re immediately faced with a second important question: what exactly are you going to outsource? External partners are often brought in for specific new applications or roles, but it actually makes more sense to do it the other way round. Outsourcing the operational management of your ICT environment means your employees can focus on innovation. After all, they’re the ones who are most familiar with your business, and doing it this way is much more motivating for them.

More Agility

Outsourcing your ICT makes your organisation more agile, which is an absolute necessity for companies in this day and age. The market, customer behaviour, available technologies: they’re all changing faster than ever, and your organisation’s ICT has to be able to cope this. It’s not just a question of technology; the availability of personnel with the right qualifications often plays a major role too. And your CFO won’t complain if expensive, difficult recruitments can be replaced by outsourcing contracts with a good balance of stability and flexibility.

More Continuity

Another big incentive for outsourcing is business continuity. The increasing digitisation of data and workflows means ICT infrastructure has to be available 24 hours a day for an increasing number of companies. ICT that doesn’t satisfy requirements can cause great financial harm, among other things. Continuity has become a critical factor within the healthcare sector, for example – sometimes this is actually about human lives. So appointing a trusted partner to ensure a well-run and reliable ICT infrastructure can spare you huge costs, damage to your reputation and other worries.

From SLA to XLA

At Realdolmen we don’t just focus on achieving a basic Service Level Agreement, such as how available your server is. We want to be judged mainly against the eXperience Level Agreement. What is important for your employees and how do you ensure a good experience with their ICT? So you don’t just measure SLAs which users take little notice of; you are instead held accountable, for example, for how much printed matter you can save as a result of document digitisation. We listen, check what we can improve, and monitor to what extent the adjustments make a difference.

Would you like more information or do you have any questions? Our experts are here for you!

IT outsourcing helps you change faster

This whitepaper outlines the role of IT outsourcing in the age of digital transformation. Lots of companies are taking a long, hard look at the products and services they offer. The extra flexibility and simplification that IT outsourcing provides helps this transformation process run much more smoothly.

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To get there, together!

Let us know how we can help. We’ll happily take your ICT concerns off your hands and work together with you on your organisation’s future.

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