The right expertise for automation at ArcelorMittal

The right expertise for automation at ArcelorMittal

ArcelorMittal will be developing completely new software for planning and monitoring its production over the next few years. But the steel manufacturer needs many more IT experts than it has in house for this. Realdolmen is therefore providing the right knowledge at the right time.


‘We’re developing a completely new supply chain application, which is a huge challenge for us,’ explains Didier Marichal, Team Leader at ArcelorMittal. Extra help from outside is more than welcome for such a large project, and Realdolmen is currently one of its main consultant suppliers. ‘We’ve been collaborating with Realdolmen for a long time already, so we were quick to go knocking on their door,’ says Team Leader Geert Van Canneyt. ‘We’ve created teams around specific expertise, such as integration or .NET’ adds his colleague, Ken Wauters. ‘The number of employees we have from Realdolmen is slowly growing.’

Proactive screening of candidates

Team Leader Didier Marichal: ‘It’s often difficult to find people with the right knowledge. That’s why it’s a such a big help that Realdolmen is supporting us. They suggest candidates for us proactively, taking our needs into account. The very precise screening by Realdolmen means that we hire a much higher number of candidates proposed to us than normal, so we don’t lose so much time selecting the right people, and we have valuable external employees on board to push the project forward straight away.’

The biggest talents, fresh from training ground

The IT managers at ArcelorMittal are very appreciative of Realdolmen’s acADDemICT programme. ‘It’s become a recognized concept amongst IT organizations and young academics,’ says Marichal. Realdolmen selects the biggest talents from graduates in every discipline, and gives them intensive training for three months. They don’t just look at their technical knowledge, but also at their soft skills, so they can be employed and useful straight away.


Realdolmen doesn’t wait for us to make a request – they’re always consulting with us and
constantly screening potential new employees.

Geert Van Canneyt | Team Leader @ ArcelorMittal

Van Canneyt: ‘Realdolmen involves us in the project exercises performed by the acADDemICTs, which ensures an even stronger start. They don’t wait for us to make a request – they’re always consulting with us and constantly screening potential new employees, holding evaluation interviews to ensure their employees stay on board with us for as long as possible, for example by only selecting people who don’t live too far away. This continuity is important; it helps us build knowledge within the teams and collaborate better and more efficiently.’

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