Heartbleed bug communication

14 April 2014

Last week, the Heartbleed bug was extensively covered in the media. It concerns a serious security flaw in the popular Open SSL software library. More information can be found at heartbleed.com .

Immediately after the announcement of this bug, RealDolmen has taken the necessary actions to identify this potentially serious problem. Our engineers have already contacted our suppliers in order to determine the possible impact. Where necessary, they have already taken measures in order to rectify this flaw as well.

At this time, there are no indications that this security flaw has actually been exploited and has led to any kind of fraud. However, RealDolmen invites its customers to analyze the IT-systems in-house and to take the necessary actions where appropriate. In summary, as a customer you need to follow these steps:

  • Upgrade your version of the impacted Open SSL library.
  • Renew the SSL/TLS certificate and the corresponding private key.
  • Change the passwords on the impacted applications.

As always, you can turn to your contact person for further questions.