
SimplICiTy Magazine - Going beyond unburdening

What's next for the CIO?

The latest SimplICiTy Magazine is completely dedicated to the concept of unburdening and the way it influences the role of the CIO. This was also the theme of our event that we organized in October 2018.

Technology is evolving lightning-fast, and staying technologically relevant has become almost a full-time challenge for many organizations. In the vast majority of cases, the CIO is the person within the organization who bears this responsibility, and who’s expected to improve efficiency and cut costs, build a future-proof platform, and keep the legacy environment running faultlessly, among other things.


In short, as CIO you are expected to be more agile than a ballet dancer and better at doing the splits than Jean-Claude Van Damme. So it’s no surprise that the market has been bombarded with stories about unburdening recently.

Unburdening literally means relieving someone of a load. But it’s easier said than done, and at Realdolmen we’re realistic about it: because how often have you already been promised that someone will unburden you? It’s an incremental process which you might have only just started, or perhaps you’re well on the way already. But actually, the real question is: how do you as CIO, as a company and as an IT organization, want to be unburdened?

And what about after the unburdening? What impact will unburdening have on your role? Will the CIO become redundant? Are you going, and will you be able, to find another interpretation of your role within a reasonable time? Will the unburdening give you the breathing space you need to concern yourself more with strategy, innovation and creating added value? How is your company, IT organization and own role future-proof?

After all, it’s not about what we can do as a partner, but what your organization can do more and better when you don’t have to concern yourself with something else. Where are your challenges, obstacles and opportunities to remain relevant for all your stakeholders in this world where technology is evolving lightning-fast? How do you buy the time and focus you need to work on your organization’s digital transformation?

Both aspects are looked at in this magazine. We hope you enjoy reading!

To get there, together!

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