Cloud Roadmap

Cloud Roadmap

The future of the cloud

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Realdolmen distinguishes a few hot topics when it comes to cloud and cloud storage: privacy, customer intimacy and the hybrid cloud.


Organisations with strict privacy legislation are particularly aware of this: you don’t want to save privacy-sensitive data in a public cloud, especially if it isn’t regulated by European privacy legislation. This European legislation imposes clear restrictions, but these rules are interpreted much more freely in the US, for example. That’s why Realdolmen recently set up a platform for a European organisation in RD Cloud, to share European patient records internationally between doctors. Governance, data protection and privacy will all play a more significant role in the development of the cloud in future.

Customer intimacy

A second trend that will help determine the future of the cloud is the extent to which end users are given a voice. Partner managed clouds allow data to be retrieved and returned in a physical form (e.g. on tape). So do you hire part of a cloud as storage space, or do you actually become a partner and own that part of the cloud yourself? This level of control is a complex matter for many customers, so cloud providers need to inform their end users properly.

Hybrid cloud

Some customers are already well informed and deliberately choose a hybrid cloud, where some applications and data remain on premise or in a partner system; others benefit from the luxury of the public cloud. Customers are becoming more and more aware of this, and the hybrid cloud is experiencing an unstoppable advance.

Anticipate the future with a cloud roadmap

When it comes to the cloud, customers aren’t looking for a broker, but an integrator ; they want to be informed about all the options and help actively looking for best solution, made to measure.

At Realdolmen we take care of this by drawing up cloud roadmaps and cloud journeys which provide clear answers to questions from customers. Upon request, Realdolmen designs an optimum blueprint for the entire data centre with an optimum mix of private, partner and/or public cloud, taking the required ICT services into account. Thanks to our strategic partnerships with HP and Microsoft Cloud (e.g. Azure, Office 365, etc.) Realdolmen can support its customers in every possible formation.

The number of cloud projects is growing exponentially and our customers are looking for a good partner in this project, rather than a seller. We can design a bespoke solution for every customer and provide answers to the many questions in advance. We believe very strongly that cloud roadmaps and cloud journeys will become increasingly important.

William Callewaert | Division Manager Hybrid Cloud @ Realdolmen