To a vibrant 2018!

To a vibrant 2018!

12 December 2017

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2018 will probably fly by just as fast as 2017. Looking back, this year had many exciting moments for us. One highlight was the Co-Thinking about the Future event, where we explored the trajectories of future technologies together with customers, professors, students, IT experts and other attendees. We enjoyed the experience very much.  

Our wishes for you all are that each day, you'll take the time to enjoy the little things in life, make someone's day a little better.


This year again, any challenges you face will serve to make you a better person. Every day and every year, fitting solutions will appear to all your problems. Technology will be utilized optimally to enable us to achieve our intended goals together.

Let's all tell ourselves, ‘Go get them, tiger!’ each morning. Each day, you'll have the courage to employ your potential and persevere in attaining your desired goals.


New things always require discovery, and there are untold opportunities waiting to be transformed into future strengths. However, the water flows ever onward, and we find peace in traveling well-maintained paths. We have spent the last year working hard on our path – it is becoming greener all the time. In 2018, we will again use our expertise to obtain further progress.

We wish everyone to find themselves a path with a clear direction, because finding your way is always more simple with a known destination.


You can plan your journey alone. But deciding where to go together is much more fun. Cooperation isn't always the easiest way, but it is the nicest. Steps taken together are firmer. 

We wish everybody the space to start a dialog from their own individuality, encouraging active collaboration. A year full of wonderful encounters that allow us to create fantastic new memories together.

WE R ready for more of this.
More of YOU. More of US. TOGETHER.