Seven Steps to Successful Onboarding

Seven Steps to Successful Onboarding

20 March 2018

Human Resources Management
Microsoft Dynamics 365

How to set up new hires for success?
Foster engagement and growth to create a more responsive workplace that empowers employees to do their best work, increases job satisfaction, and reduces turn-over.

1.    Determine the role

Set up a role-based workflow. Assign the new employee a role with associated responsibilities and determine their daily tasks. 

2.    Welcome wholeheartedly

Make sure the new employee feels their arrival has been anticipated. Have a computer ready at their workspace with all the necessary software, prepare a web page with essential introductory information and deal with all the formalities on the first day. 

3.    Show the way

Prepare an overview of the team and schedule a general introduction if possible. Provide suggestions on building a network within the company and pick someone to answer urgent queries.

4.    Share friends

Invite the new employee to join communities based on their interests. Explain the company's social structure to them. 

5.    Provide a +1

Appoint a mentor to show them around the whole company, save a spot at lunch and show regular interest in their experiences.

6.    Provide training

If on-the-job training is required, make sure someone is available to provide it. Don't wait too long to start. Indicate what the training involves, the duration and the intended objectives. 

7.    Provide an overview

Use a dashboard to maintain an overview of the whole process. This is an important tool in guarding progress for both the employee and HR.

The Right Tools Get You Far

According to statistical research, 20% of turnover occurs within the first three months after hiring. To prevent this and avoid incurring unnecessary costs, you can save, track and assess the complete onboarding flow using the Onboard module from our HR solution 'From Hire to Retire' (based on Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Talent). 

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More blog posts in this series

This blog post is part of a series of 5. Read the 4 other posts here:

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